Zend Server 5.6 Crashed

So my zend server 5.6 license expired and the server link service went down. I received a message saying I won’t be able to add anymore website links unless I purchase a key. So upon frustration I decided to remove the old installation and run a new one. I did the uninstall and it went well without any error. But then when I tried installing the latest zend server, version 7.1, it says that it cannot be installed on a drive which already has an instance of zend server running. So up to this point, I had three options:
1. Partition the disk and run a new server on that disk.
2. Try a different application (MAMP).
3. Reboot the system from scratch.

I chose to take the second option and now I am left with an ill configured MAMP server. So I have decided again now to take the following steps:

if (reinstall_mamp) {
else if (!reinstall_mamp) {
if (partition_and_install_zend_server) {
else if (!partition_and_install_zend_server) {
run ubuntu14;
configure server;
else {
else {

Let the execution process begin

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